2. A Spatial Story > John Deere & Prairie Restoration
A) The Grid
B) The Survey
C) Land to Property
D) Property Disputes
E) Direction & Symbol
F) Direction & Capital
A) In General
B) Trailblazers
C) Native Legacy
D) Champaign County > Settling Down & Moving About
E) Coming of the Railroad
6. The Trail of Death Corridor / Microcosm of a Conflicted Landscape
A) The Racialized Landscape
B) Norfolk Southern Railroad
C) Stories of Denial
D) The Trail of Death
E) Tribe of Ishmael
F) Leisure & Labor > Interurban, Walking Club & Homer Park
G) Underground Railroad
H) Contradictions in Quincy
A) Season to Remember > Basketball & Destiny
B) Divine Intervention
C) The Arch
D) Destinies Collide
A) Justification
B) Complicity & Contradiction > Henry David Thoreau
C) Contesting Inevitability
A) What We Know / What We Believe
B) Dialogue?
C) Culture Wars
D) Empire / Persistence of the Frontier